

Hüppe, L., Bahlburg, D., Busack, M., Lemburg, J., Payton, L., Reinhard, N., Rieger, D., Helfrich-Förster, C., & Meyer, B. (2024). A new Activity Monitor for Aquatic Zooplankter (AMAZE) allows the recording of swimming activity in wild-caught Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). Sci Rep, 14(1), 16963. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-67999-3

Payton, L., Last, K. S., Grigor, J., Noirot, C., Hüppe, L., Conway, D. V. P., Dannemeyer, M., Wilcockson, D., & Meyer, B. (2024). Revealing the profound influence of diapause on gene expression: Insights from the annual transcriptome of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus. Mol Ecol, 33(13), e17425. doi:10.1111/mec.17425


Shao, C., Sun, S., Liu, K., Wang, J., Li, S., Liu, Q., Deagle, B. E., Seim, I., Biscontin, A., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Kawaguchi, S., Liu, Y., Jarman, S., Wang, Y., Wang, H. Y., Huang, G., Hu, J., Feng, B., De Pitta, C., Liu, S., Wang, R., Ma, K., Ying, Y., Sales, G., Sun, T., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Pan, S., Hao, X., Wang, Y., Xu, J., Yue, B., Sun, Y., Zhang, H., Xu, M., Liu, Y., Jia, X., Zhu, J., Liu, S., Ruan, J., Zhang, G., Yang, H., Xu, X., Wang, J., Zhao, X., Meyer, B., & Fan, G. (2023). The enormous repetitive Antarctic krill genome reveals environmental adaptations and population insights. Cell. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2023.02.005


Payton, L., Noirot, C., Last, K. S., Grigor, J., Hüppe, L., Conway, D. V. P., Dannemeyer, M., Suin, A., & Meyer, B. (2022). Annual transcriptome of a key zooplankton species, the copepod Calanus finmarchicus. Ecol Evol, 12(2), e8605. doi:10.1002/ece3.8605


Payton, L., L. Hüppe, C. Noirot, C. Hoede, K. S. Last, D. Wilcockson, E. Ershova, S. Valiere, and B. Meyer. 2021. Widely rhythmic transcriptome in Calanus finmarchicus during the high Arctic summer solstice period. iScience 24, 101927. j.isci.2020.101927

Meyer, B., L. Hüppe, and L. Payton. 2021. Timing requires the right amount and type of light. Nature Ecology and Evolution.


Groenveld, J., U. Berger, N. Henschke, E. Pakhomov, C. Reiss, and B. Meyer. 2020. Blooms of a key grazer in the Southern Ocean – an individual-based model of Salpa thompsoni. Progress in Oceanography 185: 102339.

Höring, F., A. Biscontin, L. Harms, G. Sales, C.S. Reiss, C. De Pitta, and B. Meyer. 2020. Seasonal gene expression profiling of Antarctic krill in three different latitudinal regions. Marine Genomics

Hüppe, L., L. Payton, K. Last, D. Wilcockson, E. Ershova, and B. Meyer. 2020. Evidence for oscillating circadian clock genes in the copepod Calanus finmarchicus during the summer solstice in the high Arctic. Biology Letters 16: 20200257.

Payton, L., C. Noirot, C. Hoede, L. Hüppe, K. Last, D. Wilcockson, E. A. Ershova, S. Valière, and B. Meyer. 2020. Daily transcriptomes of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus during the summer solstice at high Arctic latitudes. Scientific Data 7:415.

Piccolin, F., L. Pitzschler, A. Biscontin, S. Kawaguchi, and B. Meyer. 2020. Circadian regulation of diel vertical migration (DVM) and metabolism in Antarctic krill Euphasia superba. Scientific Reports 10:16796.


Biscontin, A., P. Martini, R. Costa, A. Kramer, B. Meyer, S. Kawaguchi, T. Teschke, and C. De Pitta. (2019). Defining the circadian transcriptome of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. Scientific Reports 9: 13894. DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-50282-1 .


Häfker, N.S., M. Teschke, K. Last, D. Pond, L. Hüppe, and B. Meyer. 2018. Calanus finmarchicus seasonal cycle and diapause in relation to gene expression, physiology and endogenous clocks. Limnology and Oceanography 63; 2815-2838. DOI 10.1002/lno.11011.

Häfker, N.S., M. Teschke, L. Hüppe, and B. Meyer. 2018. Calanus finmarchicus diel and seasonal rhythmicity in relation to endogenous timing under extreme polar photoperiods. Marine Ecology Progress Series 603; 79-92. DOI 10.3354/meps12696.

Höring, F., M. Teschke, L. Suberg,S. Kawaguchi, and B. Meyer. 2018. Light regime affects the seasonal cycle of Antarctic krill: Impacts on growth, feeding, lipid metabolism and maturity. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96; 1203-1213. DOI 10.1139/cjz-2017-0353.

Piccolin, F., L. Suberg, R. King, S. Kawaguchi, B. Meyer, and M. Teschke. 2018. The seasonal metabolic activity cycle of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): evidence for a role of photoperiod in the regulation of endogenous rhythmicity. Frontiers in Physiology Aquatic Physiology 9: 1715. DOI 10.3389/fphys.2018.01715 .

Piccolin, F., B. Meyer, A. Biscontin, C. De Pittá, S. Kawaguchi, and M. Teschke. 2018. Photoperiodic modulation of circadian functions in Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana, 1850 (Euphausiacea). Journal of Crustacean Biology 38(6); 707-715. DOI 10.1093/jcbiol/ruy035.


Biscontin, A., T. Wallach, G. Sales, A. Grudziecki, L. Janke, E. Sartori, C. Bertolucci, G. Mazzotta, C. DePitta, B. Meyer, A. Kramer, and R. Costa. 2017. Functional characterization of the circadian clock in the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba. Scientific Reports 7; 17742. DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-18009-2.

Hafker, N.S., B. Meyer, K.S. Last, D.W. Pond, L. Huppe, and M. Teschke. 2017. Circadian clock involvement in zooplankton diel vertical migration. Current Biology 27(14): 2194- 2201.e3. DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2017.06.025.

Meyer, B., U. Freier, V. Grimm, J. Groeneveld, B.P.V. Hunt, S. Kerwath, R. King, C. Klaas, E. Pakhomov, K.M. Meiners, J. Melbourne-Thomas, E.J. Murphy, S.E. Thorpe, S. Stammerjohn, D. Wolf-Gladrow, L. Auerswald, A. Götz, L. Halbach, S. Jarman, S. Kawaguchi, T. Krumpen, G. Nehrke, R. Ricker, M. Sumner, M. Teschke, R. Trebilco, and I.N. Yilmaz. 2017. The winter pack-ice zone provides a sheltered but food-poor habitat for larval Antarctic krill. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1; 1853-1861. DOI 10.1038/s41559-017-0368-3.

Ryabov, A.B., A.M. de Roos, B. Meyer, S. Kawaguchi, and B. Blasius. 2017. Competition-induced starvation drives large-scale population cycles in Antarctic krill. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1; 0177. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0177

Sales, G., B.E. Deagle, E. Calura, P. Martini, A. Biscontin, C. De Pitta, S. Kawaguchi, C. Romualdi, B. Meyer, R. Costa, and S. Jarman. 2017. KrillDB: A de novo transcriptome database for Antarctic Krill (Eupausia superba). PlosOne 12(2); e0171908. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0171908.


Biscontin, A., E. Frigato, G. Sales, G.M. Mazzotta, M. Teschke, C. De Pitta, S. Jarman, B. Meyer, R. Costa, and C. Bertolucci. 2016. The opsin repertoire of the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba. Marine Genomics 29: 61-68. DOI 10.1016/j.margen.2016.04.010.


Groeneveld, J., K. Johst, S. Kawaguchi, B. Meyer, M. Teschke, and V. Grimm. 2015. How biological clocks and changing environmental conditions determine local population growth and species distribution in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): a conceptual model. Ecological Modelling 303: 78-86.

Meyer, B., P. Martini, A. Biscontin, D. De Pitta, C. Romualdi, M. Teschke, S. Frickenhaus, L. Harms, U. Freier, S. Jarman, and S. Kawaguchi. 2015. Pyrosequencing and de novo assembly of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) transcriptome to study the adaptability of krill to climate-induced environmental changes. Molecular Ecology Resources 15(6): 1460-71. DOI 10.1111/1755-0998.12408.